Friday, July 2, 2010

Healing and Heartbreak

(Posted by Stephanie Newman)
Praise God!!! After spending time praying over our team yesterday it seems as though the sick are healed. Nelson and Colby are both much better and nobody else is sick. Please continue to pray that we stay well.

Yesterday was a rough day. We worked at the work site and got the foundation finished. That was cool. We worked in the morning. It's hard to describe our work site, but we have completely fallen in love with the village children there. Some go to school and we don't see them until after 1:00, and others don't go to school and we see  them from the second we pull up till the second we leave.:) They have captured our hearts and yesterday we had to tell them goodbye. It was very tearful.

It's so hard to see everything they don't have yet they still smile. Some literally wear a dirty shirt with holes...several sizes too big or small... With no pants and no shoes. All they want to do is sit right by you and hold your hand. They are so precious.

I have gotten really close with three girls, Betty Rose, Bibienne, and Rebecca. I would pack these girls up and take them home with me in a heartbeat . They are lucky because they all go to school. I am sure we will all have out own stories when we get home about our goodbyes. We also went to an off-campus orphanage yesterday. Anyone who knows me knows I am not a crier. I could not stop the tears yesterday.  I have no words to describe the orphanage. No words at all. I got some pictures and will look them over later. Right now it's too much. Very overwhelming and horribly sad.

We are all still doing well. Leaving here will be sad. We are all excited about getting home, though. We love you all. Thank you so much for your notes, thoughts and prayers.


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