Friday, July 2, 2010

The Market, July 2, 2010

Today was our last day at the work site. SOOOOO many Haitians came out to tell us goodbye. We also brought them candy, food and clothing. Most of us gave them the clothes we wore all, week and they were so grateful. My sweet, sweet girl, Betty Rose, was there. I love that precious girl. I gave her 2 of my tank tops, which are going to be way too big, but she was so proud. she held them all day. Some of the 0others handed candy out. Betty and I were sitting together and a little boy came up to her and spoke to her in creole. she opened up her little tank tops and pulled her candy out and gave it to him. She is probably 13 and he was probably 4. She had all her candy stored in the tank. Then when we left I brought her on the bus with me for a minute. Her shoes are ba, week and they were so grateful. My sweet, sweet girl, Betty Rose, was there. I love that precious girl. I gave her 2 of my tank tops. Her schoes were basically completely worn out crocs. So i gave her my tennis shoes and socks. she tried them on and then took them back off. she said, mama. I said ok. she gave her new shoes to her momma. her momma is just as precious as she is. i also gave her all of my granola bars. I am going to miss her.

After we got done at the work site we went to the Market. It is hard to describe the Market. Vendors out everywhere, stuff all over. there are tent and concrete homes all around so we broke up in groups and went out to pray with people and tell them about Jesus. Thats when it hit me. I couldnt stop crying. the babies and toddlers break my heart. they literally sit naked in the dirt. nobody plays with them or pays attention to them. kirk was praying with a woman and he shared his cookies with her grandbabies. during the prayer i was at a low. i had it a brick wall. i know god can heal their land, but to see the babies, as a momma, is completely heartbreaking. words literally cannot describe the emotions that were flowing from my eyes. little haitian babies are so cute and precious and there is something about how self sufficient they are that breaks me. a little boy and girl, brother and sister followed us for a good long while. i asked our translator where the parents were and he said probably working the market. the boy was probably 5 and the girl was probably 2. no parents or caregiver in sight. i know that is their culture, but its so different than usa. it is so very overwhelming, especially as a mom. i cant wait to share my pics with everyone. gotta go, internet is very expensive here. love y0u all.

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