Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Andy's June 30th Blog

(Posted by Andy Ysalgue)

Not sure where to start. There has been so much to process. The week has been amazing thus far. We have bonded with the children of Source Matles. It is a small village where we are helping to build a home. Today, I gave the children coloring books and crayons. They absolutely loved it. It was awesome to look at their faces as I handed it to them. They sat around the majority of the day coloring. Of course, I did not have enough for all the children in the village, so I had them share the books and crayons. They had no issues with this. They were happy just to be coloring Mickey Mouse or Strawberry Shortcake.

We have seen many poor and hungry people. The Haitians we have had contact with have nothing (material wise), yet they continue to have smiles on their faces. These kids have the most radiant smiles I have even seen. I often find myself thinking, "What can you possibly be smiling about? You have no shorts or underwears on, a ripped t-shirt, and broken shoes." Although the pain, hunger, and suffering is evident everywhere you go in Haiti, you would never know based on the people's attitudes.

Back home, when things get tough or don't go as I think they should, I often think "God, what have I done to deserve this?" The real question should be, "God, what did I do to deserve being born in the United States rather than a place like Haiti?" We often take things for granted. Things such as cold water, air conditioning, electricity, washer machines, nice schools, food, warm showers (indoors)......... I will tell you one thing, this trip has changed my life and I thank God for this experience. I miss my family tremendously and I look forward to sharing my experiences with them when I get home. I want to thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers. Love you all.


Lesa said...

Great to hear from you Andy. I love hearing thoughts from each of you because even though you are seeing the same things you express what you see in such different ways. Thank you.
Lesa Franklin

Jessi Ysalgue said...

Hi baby!
It is so amaxing to hear from you. Everyone's posts have been a blessing to read and see how God is working in Haiti. I check it everyday (all day lol) waiting to hear of how God is working with and threw you in Haiti. Words can't express how much me and the kids are proud of you :) We miss you terribly but wouldn't have this any other way. It is great to hear the way God is working with you and threw you for the people of Haiti. I can't wait till you get home to hear all about it!
We are doing great here, don't worry. Just missing you.
Take care of yourself honey. Don't forget your medicine :)
Our prayers are with all of you!

Love you to pieces...
your loving family :)

Nery said...

Hi Andy...
I am so happy to be able to read your comment.. it has made me cry... i am so greatful to God for taking you to this path in your life, i know it will change your life completely.... I saw and felt thru your word exactly what you saw and feel.. brought tears to my eyes.. we sure are blessed to be in a country like the USA.. so many people around the world in same situation, yet sometimes we are blind to this... we want more and more not thinking that we are fortunate to have all we have.. we have to thanks God everyday for the blessing he has given us and continue to do so... we love and miss you so much... good luck in your work.. and good luck and ty to you and all the wonderful people that dedicates themselves to help Haiti and all the needy around the world...
Love you and miss you so much..

Mom and Dad

wilhoit.josh said...

Andy, I teared up when I read your post! Everything you said is so true! How much we take for granted everyday! Love and prayers to you all.

Melissa Wilhoit

Yuri Sosa said...

Hey Andy:
We have nothing but respect for what you are all doing.
God is good to us and all we can say is !!! THANK YOU LORD!!!.
God bless you all!!!
Love Yuri and Luis

mari said...

Hey there Andy :)...I am in total agreement with I get older and I read or see the news on CNN I myself have asked myself how could I think I had it so bad ...I have never been hungry or abused ...and yet I have not appreciatted my life as I should...there are so many people just struggling to stay healthy from diseases and are forced to feed their children contaminated waters just so they are not thirsty...there are women dying with their unborn children just because of sickness and no healthcare...It's heart wrenching to see on the news much less in person and for that I commend you for doing what God has put in your ability to do...I wish you and all those with you lots of luck and health ...Stay well :)

Barney said...

Hey Andy I am very happy to here you are well. What you wrote has seriously touched me in a way I never anticipated. You are so write we all complain at times about what we don't have and really never think about how good we really do have it. You indicated that this was an eye opening experience to you well I say thank you because it has opened my eyes as well. And for that I am thankful to you and the people of Haiti. We all miss you and love you here at home. And don't worry about Jessy and the kids if she needs anything she knows who to call. Andy once again thank you take care of your self and be safe.
Love Your Cus for life Quito